Saturday, March 14, 2015

2015, 3.1415

It's a very special day as per title.
3.1415 hence I decided to write a post :) It's been long since my last post.
Don't have much things to do and was reminiscing some moments with my high school friends, probably because i'm too lonely at night and I will be very sentimental. ( I guess this only happens during weekend and I'm having some kind of hectic weekdays, LOL ) And hence I came to my blog ha.

It's been 1.5 years as an working adult.
Able to see things wider than before, yet to widest but in progress.
People leave and go in life but sometimes I take things to hard and make myself very difficult. Don't really know right now the things that I do are the things that I really want but sometimes many things are beyond my control. People always say do things right so things right, but at the first place we tend to neglect the ultimate goals of doing things, but not only the process.
HAHA, only if I'm given a chance to make another moves, I'm asking myself would I choose to maintain as current state or not... aiyo dilemma.

Hahahah people that's reading my blog will be thinking this girl is mumbling to herself don't know wtf is she talking about. But I viewed my nuffnang stats just now and i'm very surprised that I have readers still. OMG that's so touching. Of course not as much as before. Although I might not be able to who you are but I'm appreciating for every single clicks.

I'm thinking to blog about some cafe in JB since I based in JB now but on second thought, why do I do a free review for them when I'm not getting paid. LOL, other bloggers might just kill me for being a market spoiler. So.. let me think for a bit.

Talking about reviews, I've been wanting to do a very bad review about a saloon that I visited in Mount Austin. Probably will put up in my next post and so forth. Just want to remind/ warn you guys about that. Super bad experiece.  And I don't know why the heck people have been "liking" and sharing a.k.a advertising for them in FB and they became very famous, totally WTF. Anyway some hints for you the saloon's name starts with E. Make a wild guess yo!

P/S: 76style/ number 76 is my favourite saloon still, they have the best stylists with perfect and professional skills. 76 FTW!

Sunday, July 27, 2014


Made a trip to temple and also did a hair cut and dyed my hair.
Hope everything's gonna be fine, 2014 is not a good year for me, I guess the same goes to many of the rests out there.
I'm considered as the lucky one though, thanks everyone especially my family, my bf and my friends who's always there when I need you the most.
Bear with me for some times, I will be back very soon.
Thanks, with loves.

Saturday, July 5, 2014


標題都寫好了,所以真的也就是亂寫。可能我自己也不會明白,你們將就一點吧。五月天真好,出了一首叫做 傷心的人別聽慢歌, 好像真的是這樣,所以現在是靜音模式,再聽下去會決堤。

唉, 其實我每天都好累,累的屁一樣,每天幾乎都是不開心。我在想如果有個apps 還是什麼的可以標上一個月的開心不開心指數,我的不開心指數 一定破錶, 煩死了。
每天都圍繞一樣的問題,拜託,我23 還沒到, 請問到底過著怎樣的人身。
曾經以為可以一直依賴的人,不管發生什麼事都有你在的人,這一切的一切都好像是我一廂情願的想法。希望距離越來越遠。唉,有時候真的很痛心, 最近很想巴死我自己。 一次又一次的自己給自己傷害, 我每天都過的很憂鬱。我真的不了解,是我自己太任性,還是別人的有所不足。工作時每天都可以嘻嘻哈哈,我覺得我功夫還不賴,當然還是有開心的時候,但是回到家關上門就會發瘋。 (發瘋: 只是想解釋一下,不是亂喊亂叫的那種,是心裏不開心和鬱悶的那種啦!) 關上門就可以摘下面具的感覺。。。什麼狗屁。

我朋友真的不多, 所以不是那種遇到問題可以找人傾訴一整個晚上就會沒事的人。即使別人問我,我也不見得會和你說的。 有時候我在想是不是我把心鎖得太緊了。 但是其實這樣也好,省得有些大嘴巴把你的私人事情傳開。當然, 只有一個人,就只有一個人其實一直默默的在關心我,想到這裡就覺得欣慰 (淚), 只要有什麼事,就只有一個人,不管身在哪裡都會問我一句," what happened to you, are you alright?" .  就像是在讀完這篇爛文, 回來問我發生什麼事的人,永遠只有一位。 不管過去有什麼愉快不愉快, 真的謝謝你。每次在我人身跌落谷底的時候拉我一把。 然後有時 (以前) 還一起跌落谷底, 真的和白癡一樣。 但是不管怎樣, 真的開心有你。

其實我筆墨真的有限, 我不善於抒發我自己的情感, 所以我要說的是。 我在寫這篇灌水雜亂文章的時候心情真的很爛。 真心希望現在有份鬆餅和拿鐵出現在我面前。 順帶一提今天是星期六,我竟然在這裏虛度光陰, 在自己的部落格靠北。

愛情遇到問題, 好吧我認命。 (靠腰,明明就不是。。。。)
不要無事不登三寶殿,這樣讓人看了很煩和礙眼。 我其實沒有義務要幫忙什麼的,但是我的真心好像再換絕情。 人們啊,你們到底怎麼了。 (哭) 我是不是要看不到聽不到,然後假裝一切沒發生。你們這樣做,即使以後我真心投入, 內心也會有所抵觸。


Sunday, June 29, 2014

Hello, July is coming...

Picture is super unrelated to my post

Hi readers! I'm back with my new laptop. WOOWWWW x 1023856190
I'm finally back to this era as I had been separating from this so electronic gadget for a very long time.
Anyway, since my new laptop is here, I shall start blogging again, which means, more posts, more pictures, more reviews, and of course...more gossips. (OPS)

Will update a little about my personal stuffs.
Went for a short getaway, ( errr does it counted as a short one), alright anyway I went to Taiwan with my bf, and my friends ( to be exact my bf's direct friends, but they are also my friends ) hahah am I making things very complicated . Bwahaha. It was a 8D7N trip.
Din't get to meet up with my babe, Elay there cuz she was in Tainan. My Taiwan trip was only in Taipei and TaiChung.

Instead of blogging about my itenary and schedule, I would like to make some summaries, and also feeling towards Taiwan. If, you've been following my instagram, you should be able to find out I actually miss Taiwan a lot. It's a place where I've been wanting to go, ever since I was young probably because of Meteor Garden, casted by F4. HAHAHA how epic was that. But maybe, due to this high expectation, somehow I came back with a little disappointment. HAHAHA.
Okay I will tell you why later :)

Taiwan, of course sight seeing trip is good, cuz the scenery there is just beautiful, anyway it's something that you won't see and couldn't find in Malaysia. But apart from that, food is the matter. I think TV programme is doing damn freaking good in marketing and packaging the image of Taiwan food, or I shall say, maybe is just that we're not used to the food there.
HAHAHA, me and my friends came out with a statement where: Taiwanese eat street food to grow up. It's very rare for us to eat a proper when we were there, so we did appreciate when we were having our proper meals there. Of douse, undeniable some of the food are really good, lu roy fan, tian bu la, and many more. If I wanna state all 'em out might take me half an hour to do that haha. But I think my stomach was just overloaded with " fried food" and oil. HAHAHA.

Secondly, I was expecting too much in shopping. People around me should know, hahaha I'm a major shopping queen. :D So, everybody said that Taiwan is a shopping paradise, where their clothes are cheap and nice. But hahahah it's not true, so might want to see the summary:

1) Cheap, but not nice.( Major stocks are from Taobao, like super obvious)
2) Mad Chio and nice, but at the same time MAD EXPENSIVE. ( up to 4 figures in TWD), then they will tell you: " it's imported " from Korea.

:( Okay man. But...... wait! :) Cosmetics and skin cares are freaking cheap. And the Varitiesssssss. Taiwan is indeed a cosmetics and skin cares paradise. :) Yumm yumm. Watsons, and shop 86 became some sorts of " hotel" where we need to check in every single day.

Alright moving on to the next,  I miss Taiwan so much majorly because of the life there. I love their culture and the people there, they are so polite in a way, friendliness 200% , kindness 200 %. Thumbs up for Taiwanese :) :)  How nice if I'm given a chance to live there for maybe half a year, ( worrying about the food part though hahaah)

Okay... shall stop at here. I think I just left my heart in Taiwan and it's stucked there and never comes back to me. It's Monday tomorrow, and school reopens, plus my buddy is on leave. So... damn good luck to me!

See you soon, toddles.

Just in case, if you're wondering how does he look like

I'VE GOT A VERY SERIOUS SUN BURNT WHEN I WAS IN QING JING FARM, tanned mark is still with me....... :( So, just a gentle reminder for you.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Hello, F&F

I wanted to write this post since some time ago, it's just that I don't have the time. Seriously I'm fighting against time, for money.

Picture-less post okay? It might be too wordy to read but I hope my F&F can read this.
Whether you know, or you don't, just FYI I'm working in Singapore for more than half a year already.
Then, people started to think. Whoa you're earning SGD, that's a lot when you x2.5 , or more than that.
Honestly, it's sorta offensive, or I personally feel offended when people start being sarcastic. Sometimes people is really annoying to the extend you really want to give them a slap.
Let me tell you why.

Oh ya, not to forget to mention, I'm traveling everyday from Jb to Sg vice versa.
When people know that you're working in Sg, things in their mind is only, and only, and only. Walao you earn a lot leh.
Ya lo, I earn a lot. But you can only see the money I earn, but not the fact that I wake up at 5 in the morning, run all the way to custom, queue for more than half an hour, or two hours for a bus, stuck in jam at causeway, reach home at 10 pm. People cut your queue also you dare not to utter a word although you have been queuing for more than an hour.  Tired until don't even feel like eating, just bathe and sleep and wake up, same routine again.
Do you know all these shits?
And here's another annoying response,

1)  " Walao you live in Jb ma, like that save a lot of money le"
2) " Then you move out to Singapore larh, nobody force you to stay in Jb"

Ans: 1) Yeah, the money I earn is some kind of net income, I don't need to feed myself,  money for household, for car loan, study loan, personal insurance and the transport I take daily is FOC. Okay, are you satisfied now?

2) Yes nobody force me to. But rental in Sg range from $600 to $900, if you want to stay alone. Let's say we take it as $750, this excluded your transportation and daily expenses. Do your own calculation. Anyway I'm not earning $10k monthly, stop being retarded okay.

I'm not saying I can't or don't do saving, yes you can but you need to forgo many things, and it's not like super a lot too. You will have your way to survive, no matter it's RM2k or $2k.
And this depends on what do you want.
Just for an example,
RM2k - You buy taobao stuffs, maybe Cotton on once in a while.
 $2k.  - You shop at taobao too, maybe Topshop once in a while.


RM2k. - Myvi, loan for 9 years
$2k.     - Honda 5/9 years

Looks so tempting to work in Singapore. I don't want to say much but if you try it once by yourself, you will know whether you yourself can take it or not.
Anyway, I chose the life 2, ( I'm not driving a honda though, just an example) but I forgo lotsa things, no happy hours after work coz I contribute all the time to queue for the freaking bus to go home.
No lazying or snooze early in the morning cuz if I'm late, I die.
I have no time for my friends.
Worse, I have no time for my boyfriend.
Worst, I have no time for myself, I go home bathe sleep eat, for the five weekdays.
I lack of sleep most of the time, thus weekend is my paradise.

I sorta like own a car now. But people is very disgusting keep on telling you wa haolian d lo so fast can own a car already. Anyway LET ME TELL YOU I HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO BUY it for some personal reason. Stop being annoying can or not, and it's not like something I'm proud of cuz I'm not owning a Bentley or what, just a normal sedan. Stop telling me you're rich you're rich.
Yes I'm not poor, when I'm out with you, meals can count on me like once in a while cuz I'm working already, if it's affordable, to friends, or family, not a big deal definitely. Although I'm not rich, but this kinda things is really fine to me.
And also, when people is sharing the happiness and joyful for shopping goods in FB or insta, here's the annoying people again. " wa so rich hor, earn so much now can buy this and that now" .
............... I work for 20 days in a month and bought it like ONCE only, what's your problem now?!?!
If you still want to be sarcastic after reading my post , please slap yourself before you talk to me.
Nobody is stopping you to work in Sg, go ahead if you want to. It's very hard to understand literally, just try it by yourself.

Last but not least, don't be offended k, unless you're one of them.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Food in Melaka, and Sri Petaling.

Hi guys.
This is not my style because I seldom do food review.
Okay so just FYI if you don't know my bf is from Melaka.
It's a very happy thing because I get to eat Melaka's local food which most of the tourists do not know. :D
( I try to make some reviews in the near future) HAHAHA, good things are meant to be shared I know.
BUT anyway today's review is about Jonker 88 's Laksa and Cendol, which is very famous and don't tell me you actually went to Melaka if you never tried this.
I'm not good in expressing, anyway don't ask me why are you a blogger. Food is not what I used to write as I said I seldom do food reviews, but I couldn't help to share this. It's way too good! If you like some sour spicy soup based food ( eg TomYum)  that tickle your taste bud, you'll definitely like this. Prove me if I'm wrong. 

Asam Laksa
Everything is so good. The noodles, sardines, fish ball, prawn, egg etc make a perfect combination. Anyway they have other choices like nyonya laksa (which is good too) and non spicy food too. Nevertheless, this is my fav always.
Price: RM 6 nett

Cendol with gula Melaka.

Just right opposite the Laksa stall, you can find this super duper ultra nice Cendol, I can say it's the best Cendol ever. Very simply ingredients which make a perfection (like again). Anyway the most important thing for cendol will be the Gula Melaka and Coconut milk. Perfect match! And why do I say it's good. Ahhhhh I keep emphasizing about the gula melaka gula melaka gula melaka. I believe if you want to know what's the  old style Cendol, which is what we named it in Chinese 古早味. This is what you've been finding.
HAHAHAHA. Once again, BEST CENDOL EVER. This is not what you used to have in some common Food Court or Indian stall, so much different from that! If I would gained 1KG after having 10 bowls of this Cendol, seriously I would want to get fat. I couldn't resist to this like seriously.
Price: RM3 nett

Pardon me because I combined both reviews ( Laksa and Pork Chop Burger tgt). 
Anway, this is about Dai Lei Loi Gei Zhu Pa Bao. Omg if you understand what am I typing. HAHA.
Not a very detailed review because I think there's nothing much for me to write.
And if you realised, just as simple as that. Not VERY SPECIAL but it worth a try. To be frank I think it's overrated though. As per pic, my order was, Polo bun pork chop burger+ milk tea.
That's it. Price is around RM14 for this set. So if you want me to rate for it. Errr... 6.5/10? Okay I'm not really into this HAHAHAHAH. And the milk tea isn't that good too. Just.... normal. HAHAHA.

I'm on my annual leave that's why my review is about food, KL, Melaka etc.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

It's 7:11

Hi was referring to AM (7). Anyway I'm otw to work now and since I'm in bus now I shall spend my free time to update my dusty blog.
Anyway previous blog was about my graduation and I guess you're quite annoyed by my graduation pic everytime when you entry.
Just to update a lil about me in case you have no idea what I've been doing for the past one month plus. ( almost 2 months) .
Sadly I've been working for this 'missing period' and FYI I'm working in SG. 
So... Long story short, I travel everyday. Your expression will be WOAH omg don't you feel tired? 
My ans is: you try and see. 

Hahaha anyway okay I must say, it's not as tired as what I thought because previously, ( before I've got myself there) I thought it would be real hard for me cuz, it SOUNDS damn tired already, how do I cope with that? Okay then let me tell you, seriously it's the matter of money. WTF okay hahaha you might think I'm kidding but I'm not. With that amount of money I think I'm able to do many things. Anyway, different ppl pursue different things. You might be thinking I'm crazy but as long as I'm able to cope with it, I think it's fine. :) 
okay shall see you next time but before this, I must vent my beh songness :( 
I know my slippers are too big but can you all stop stepping me not?!!!? It's the already the smallest size :( !!!!
And there was an fucking idiot whom stepped on my slipper and,,,,, somehow SOMEHOW my slipper flew away to the front end of the alley. Made me so awkward because I walked towards the end to get my shoe back. And that bastard dint even apologise to me. You farking retarded......!!

Alright see you bye love.
