Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Perhaps i need to stop understanding and accept this is the way it is. But anyone who knows me well enough would choose to ignore this. :)
It is not that I chose to ignore, sometimes it is not worth getting into it.
Things never changed, we change them, we're the one who make it changed, ain't it?
Have been stalking some people on Facebook, argh mind me I'm not a psycho nor this is a habit of mine. Just wondering why are these people acting weird.
Erm, perhaps you heard this before. When you see others' negative side, try to think that all these things reflecting you, yourself?
Err.. no I think.. Maybe certain aspects I did. I don't know, I think I'm not qualified to judge myself , the spectators see the chess game better than the players. I'm clear about this, shouldn't have any comments then. Oh yeah what are the weird acts of them.
Hmm, I have to claim that I don't stalk everyone and anyone. Some people's latest status just pops on the home page like that, no choice man.
And they like to show offff, as if all the others are fcking poor or what, don't even afford to buy the same things as theirs. Well, maybe you'll say: "Oh don't think too much maybe they just want to share with ya all."
Okay the point is, you don't need to put up EVERYTHING that you've purchased lately, I'm sorry but I'm not interested to know, at all.
And so, I hide your news, without a second thought.
Secondly, I hate the people who shares their pictures and relation history on Facebook.
I'm not saying that you can't drop a message or what on it. Be yourself, (okay maybe you're just the way you are, that irritating. zzz) sometimes it's too over you know.
Bii I love you, you're my soul, muacks I love you, I can't live without you with bazillion of lovesssss........
Can someone tell me wtf are these, again, showing off huh? Nobody gets jealous okay.
-.- Err I mean it's not over like you send one or two messages to your soul per day, but just try to imagine that your wall post is full with all these things. Not irritating mehh??
So, I hide these people.
Another, is those people who think they are damn chio or what.
And they started to write something which they don't think it's real at all.
(eg: I'm so uglyy... :( )
They started to earn some compliments via comments and "likes". Lol by doing this way, if it satisfies you, just go ahead.
I hide.
Lastly, I seriously can't stand with this, narcissist.
Okay I'm narcissistic too, nothing's wrong that.
Butttttt, there's a limit for everything. If you're not pretty nor handsome, can you stop imagining as if you're a princess or prince, oopss no, not as if, I MEAN CAN YOU STOP CALLING YOURSELF AS A PRINCESS AND PRINCE EHHHH?? Walao ehh I seriously cannot tahan this kinda person. And OKAY, nvm maybe you're in your own lalaland. I don't care, but CAN YOU STOP ASKING ME TO LIKE YOUR PAGE? -.-
What the hell is that man?
Okay so, I've spilled everything :D
No offense don't trap yourself :P

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