Today is my niece's 3-year-old birthday! :D
Happy Birthday to Xuen Xuen! :)

I have two more papers to go.
It's going to be an awesome holidays, I'll take back my words. :P
My friends are flying back soon! :D Which makes me feel veryyyy happy!
Gonna study real hard so that I can really enjoy my holidays to the max, 1 week, it's only one week from now, please let me concentrate and I swear I'm going to PLAY HARD!

I think I did mention in my blog I got a new curling thong (or I din't?) Oh well it's not important though. I got a 31mm instead of a 28mm one this time.
Few weeks ago I watched a video in Youtube and it's about Korean hair style.
So I decided to do it.
Okay sorry I know it's kinda like.... failed?
Or that is a face problem because I don't look like a Korean at all.
So I'll just named it as Korean inspired hair style k? -.-
And actually it looks like this. (Close up)
Ah I think you din't get it what do I mean by "this".
My "this" is that I actually used a small strand of my hair to tie up my hair so that the rubber band wont show. Anyway it depends on your own preference as long as you think you look fine, but I prefer to fix it with my hair.
P/S: I curled my hair in the pic. Gonna watch more videos and practice. Practice makes perfect hahaha what am I talking about. :P
See ya soon!
It looks fine on you!! How did you tie it by using your hair?
hello. Err just leave a small strand out before tying by rubber band? good luck in trying! :)
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