Tuesday, January 10, 2012


what a super idiotic and fake smile

People love playing fireworks at a random time nowadays.
Eg: 1/10/2012 11:13pm. Super annoying. Okay mind me, I'm having a shit mood right now so if you're the one,I'm really sorry about that.
I'm like.. so unlucky today? -_-
Hopefully tomorrow won't be like today again. I'm sick, like again? If you've been following my blog you can see me typing that -I'm sick- very often.
I'm just 20 and my immune system is damn weak as if I'm already 200.
My throat is super painful now and I don't feel like talking at all :( I don't know how am I going to sleep. Never sleep well since forever.
Major sadness.
Results released in this afternoon.
Feeling damn emotional because of it especially for SM. What's with the B- now ? ...................
Okay it's over I shall not bring it up here tho. *Gulp*

Oh yeah as promised, I imitated the Vivi's model to style the hair but obviously, it's epic failed as you can see my hair is totally different from the picture. LOL
2nd attempt tmr bye!

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