Monday, January 9, 2012

Miracle does happen

Say Hi to me! :D

Hello ;) I made the post title so attractive but I'm not going to describe what is it about.
LOL I'm acting like a badass but, aha it's something that you don't want to know about. (As if I read your mind, hmmm maybe I do :D)
I thought I've successfully hacked the emoticon but no, I'm still failed to do it. :( depressed.
Tooth has been acting like a bitch and makes me suffering for days, BUT LUCKILY it backs to normal today, antibiotics got the credits.
Consuming 2 types of antibiotics, helpless tooth.
-_- Gonna do root canal and also crowning, OMG seriously don't want my tooth to be yellowish, and somemore that's my front tooth. 1k, 1k, 1k, 1k.
Now I know the reason for being a medic student.

I'm waiting for my hair to grow longer but the end splits, cut it or not? :/ :/
Dilemma dilemmaaaaaaa!
I want to lose weights -__-
See ya bye :D

(Vivi February issue)
So in love with her hair. :D :D Will try to do it tmr. SLRPPP!

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