Saturday, September 15, 2012

Short entry :D

Pictures are in my phone couldnt upload it now :( 
I'm in NTU's hostel, more specifically, my BFF's room!! :D
So happy and excited, and the hostel is so comfy! OMGGG.
My babe is struggling with one question and she said she's not thinking anymore when I finished blogging.
So Im thinking where and when should I stop writing :D  
Came to Sg to celebrate my friend's birthday.
Went to some middle-east restaurant to have our dinner which costed us a bomb :(
Too poor to have the dinner and ended up have to share the main course with my bff.
Food was quite tasty in fact but the price wasn't that case -.-
22SGD, awwwwww my poor little baby wallet! @@
Im a happy girl, so blessed and I'm smiling to the laptop like a moron. :)
Nobody feels or understands how do I feel right now ;) 
Love you guys <3 font="font">

P/S: I spent around an hour to finish this post.. or longer?? :D
Elay pls dont be gek bwahahhaha you know I love you much! :)

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