Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Hey guys.
So sorry for not updating because Ive been so busy for the past week, and of course I couldn't access to internet in dad's hometown, which is a very pathetic thing for me.
Anyway, how was your CNY? Mine was just like that, boring as usual.
I don't think I need to blog about my CNY basically I can say I only eat and sleep.
Back in school, having tons and tons of assignments and mid term right now, plus my FYP.
Very hectic life though it's still CNY. Gonna work real hard from now but I don't know can I keep this promise to myself -.- Aih. But I feel stressed and tension probably because of my FYP. 
Just to update a tweeny weeny bit of some important things cuz Im gonna ciao for studying my tests.
Okay so here, everyone please be careful because my cousin got robbed last night, unfortunately. :( He was playing basketball with his friends ( almost 10 plus) in Subang area and 5 Indian robbed them with parang. But luckily my cousin wasn't hurt. It's really dangerous out there, you know, we are reading this kinda news every single day and yes, we know that it's dangerous etc... but, ever think of it'll just happen on you one day? Who knows. * touch wood* . Just to remind you guys and especially girls, be aware of your surrounding, alert alert alert. U can imagine that 10 plus guys were there and they're robbed, what if you're alone especially when you're a girl. God Blessed, all of them were fine, they just lost some cash and phones.
Okay enough with all these. picture time. Ciao love.

I love them :D Niece and nephew. 
My gangnam babies

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