Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Iron Man 3: My Way

This is much better :D
Sorry the cartoon version is abit weird -.-

So this is the iron man suits that I customized. 

Nice? :P I know my words are a tad to small. 
So let me explain to u here?
First pic: I would like to use to chrome colour to replace iron man's ori colour. And also with heat radiator so to resist the heat :D  So in case u can't imagine how does chrome colour looks like. Here's the picture of it! Sorry I can't paint my iron man to this colour in real.. so please try hard to figure it!

And second pic (the cartoon): Except for the laser eyes and the hand, 2 major extra pro functions added which is the jelly-like material that resist the iron to be rusted from water, and also prevent spoilage when my iron man is in the water! (p/s: Jelly-like material will automatically activate when the surface of iron contact with water! OMG how cool is this design hahahaha)
And also! The revitalise button is the most powerful one where my iron man is able to revitalise when it's attacked by the enemies and injured severely.

So how? like my iron man right? :D :D Thanks for viewing.

Till then! loves.

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