Wednesday, December 26, 2012


When it comes to an end, there starts a new chapter.
It's 27th Dec 2012 , and I'm survived. 21st wasn't the end of the world hahaha!
Alright it's the time for me to conclude what's been done for the whole year.
2012. What I can say is, full of excitements and challenges. You will know what do I say so if you continue to read my post.

21. Yes I'm 21 this year. People always say a year older a year wiser. Yes, when you grow older, you view things broader because of the people around u\you, the environment or even the things happening daily.  I will be graduating soon, just one more semester and I will step into a more complex world. Everytime when I think people around me are already so complicated, I tell myself this is only the basic level. I know I'm late, I started to realised all these things ever since I went up to study in KL. I used to run by " treat people the way you want to be treated " but lately, I found out it doesn't work. Maybe, it works at times, at it depends on the people around you. AND it works perfectly only, on your parents. I'm not claiming about how good am I, I bet nobody knows me more well than myself do.  So, learn to be flexible. No matter where are you, who are you dealing with.
Sometimes we have to be versatile, just like when you're in your workplace, I bet it doesn't work if you want to be yourself. Yes, I know it's pretty cool to have your own characteristics but things that we have to understand is that not everyone can accept the way you are. We don't change for people, we're just who we are but I bet we will only gain by adapting ourselves.
( alright man it sounds damn easy but I know when I really step into the society I'll understand the real meaning of  少年不识愁滋味,为赋新词强说愁 )
Well, month ago I've completed my internship as an auditor. I had bazilion complaints about this job and there were few reasons behind. Not gonna repeat it but frankly speaking, although it was a reaaaaally hard time for me, I learn a lot during that few months. I really appreciate the colleagues and the seniors who helped me during the time.
Just a few months more, I won't be a student anymore, as if stopping at a final destination, after 17 years for being a student. :'( ...........

So, friends.
How or what do we do to maintain the relationships with your friends?
There was a time I had cold war with my bf ( as in best friend here ) and it happened for a few months or even more I couldn't remember well, and also, how did we solve it, or never.
If you ask me how, trust is only the element. Ever since I went up to study, I seldom contact with my bf because she's so far away from me, and of course we have our own life sooner later.
I'm glad that everytime when we meet up there's no awkward moment between us. Of course, I'm referring to all of my bf-s here.
Alright, I have to say if you're biased against someone, everything he/she does or says are just so wrong to you because you're having prejudice towards the person.
To be honest, something did happen for the pasts few months between me, and my friends.
Not bringing any tweeny weeny about the incidents, just my feelings.
Nobody knows the truths, only God does. Maybe, there's some misunderstandings, miscommunications, my fault, your fault her fault or the other party but who knows.  Because the things happened on me, from what I saw, what I understand what I analyzed, are like that. Things are very complicated and I'm not pushing the responsibilities to anyone. Maybe, I've trusted the wrong people. This might be the grave mistake that I ever made. For the rests of my bf-s if you're reading my post I hope you guys would understand something. Sometimes when things do not fall on you, it's not suitable for the third party to judge who's right who's wrong. Even me, myself, I'm not sure about that.
As I said, we tend to have prejudice towards the people that you don't like. Maybe from everything that came to my conclusions are wrong? or the other way round.
Anyway I guess anything is not important anymore because I believe when there's no loves there no hates.
I think it's enough for today and Happy New Year in advance!

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