Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Flea Market in Uni

Hi, this is me being 2 day of boss lady.
I'm sorry but I only have this picture because I was too busy and I actually handled 90% of the stuffs alone. Not easy it's not really not easy! And two days of managing the small booth is enough for me and totally worn me out. It's so tiring! Nah but it's a real good experience and the most important thing is I rent the booth for like only 5 bucks for two days. So tell me, ain't it a good chance for me? :D
So obviously you don't need to ask me what do I sell. Haha it's clearly seen as the pic right. Some fashion apparels, bags and also accessories.  Then if you ask me, how was the business? Good or bad. Then my answer is not so good but not that bad. Haha! Im so brilliant because I know you guys are interested in how much did I earn. Anyway, P&C LOLOL. ;)
From the pic, the booth looks so small ( or it's actually small also in real) but it's tough for me to set up all these alone. And luckily my friend helped me to move all the things from my house. But the next day isn't that lucky because I have to do all these by myself :/ and now I'm having body aching -.- So weak and noob right  I know. HAHAH. 
Not much things to blog about but it feels really good when someone is carrying or wearing the stuffs that you sold. :D
Lastly but not least, have to thanks my cousin came all the way and tapao for me, also she helped me to jaga my stall when I was having my class. Hehe :D See ya buay!

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